What would you do to help the homeless?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Welcome back to school!

Welcome back to WMS! For some of you, this is your first year here! Enjoy! It's a great place to be! Also, welcome to my classroom blog. In due time, you'll have your own blog and we'll be able to interact with each other and post assignments on blogs. Great fun! To kick off the year, we'll be learning a great new reading strategy straight from our own Kansas University. This reading strategy is called Word Identification Strategy and enables you to pronounce big, hairy words that we encounter while reading. Thus, we'll read better and understand what we're reading. After learning this strategy, I'll be asking you to practice it for the rest of your life until it becomes as automatic as riding a bike or tying your shoes. In seventh grade math, we'll be practicing basic facts and reading large numbers like 432,567,387,005. Can you read that? The first five sevies who can correctly read that number to me, wins prizes! ;) In eighth grade math we'll be operating with negative and positive integers. Sounds simple? It really isn't so simple. This will be a foundation for more difficult Algebra skills which you will need to pass the assessment and be successful in high school math! Hang with me! We'll have a fun ride! Glad you're here! Leave a comment. Ms. Rich