Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Liar, Liar
Monday, July 13, 2009
Things That Make Me Smile
-People falling down
-Pretty toe nails
-Mistah Huff
-Dolphins playing
-New car smell
-New car
-New outfit
-New shoes
-Beautiful flowers
-Children playing
-People I haven't seen for a while
-Old boyfriends (glad they're not mine!)
-Watching "our team" win
-My daughter smiling
-My brother's dumb jokes
-Memories of my dad
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Weather and the Weekend
Now, the blog topic...the weather. Hmmmmm..... I was so very grateful for yesterday's "cool" day. It wasn't really cool but it seemed like it have a string of 100 degree weather days. I went riding in my boyfriend's SSR hot rod convertible and we went down to the antique car show. I ran into a former student there who is now a MAN and he recognized me; I did not recognize him at first. We had such a nice, long conversation, remembering all the fun times when he was in my class. He was the "Dante" of my class many years ago and used to do a perfect Michael Jackson imitation. It was kind of uncanny because I had been thinking about that with MJ's death.
The storm was a little scary. We (boyfriend and I) were at El Maguey when it hit and didn't have umbrellas. We were parked a hundred miles (exaggerated) away and had to make a run for it. We were soaking wet. Then we went to Mega Movies. We watched Slumdog Millionaire and I really liked it.
Have a great week! I love you! ;)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
My Dad
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Scott Rice
Monday, June 22, 2009
My Weekend
If you've taken the time to read about my weekend, here's a secret for you! Please look up a recipe from Asia. Please give it to me after you've printed it off!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
My Biggest Worry
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Five Years
Monday, June 15, 2009
Father's Day
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
More than that, it's really fun to hang out with all of you! A week from tomorrow, we go to the church and pack commodity boxes. Meanwhile, we're going to study bees. I have been planning a bee theme for a long time because we are so dependent on bees for food, yet the bee population is dwindling. It's a huge concern in the world! From reading your blogs yesterday, you have a lot to learn about bees. I have learned a lot preparing the unit. I have six "bee hives" or learning centers. Three of them (half, 1/2) are hands on activities that will be really cool! Also, with Ryan's help (ahem!), we are going to do a scale drawing of a giant bee. After all, we have to throw a little math into summer school! I'm going to divide you into groups of two and each group will produce or "blow up" or enlarge a section of the giant bee. If everyone does their section correctly, it will be something we can be proud of and hang in the hall. Imagine that! Also, sometime today, I want each of you to submit a honey recipe for Thursday! Stay tuned for more fun activities and beeeeeeee a good person! Always!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
To Bee or Not To Bee

If you want to beeeeee a winner, join us for summer school! We will be studying bees, eating honey, making honey products, etc. Here are some bee websites for references:
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Upcoming Fun Stuff...Don't Miss Out!
- April 29: Present Habitat for Humanity money, $1000!!!!!
- April 29: Casa Trivia Night, Go Fruit Loops!
- April 30: Lunch at Southwestern, Happy Birthday Kaitlynn Sutton!
- May 4: Sienna's Birthday!
- May 8: Picnic at Island Park, all day long! Bring your fishing rods!
- May 19: Eighth graders last day (if you're in good standing)!!!
- May 21: Last Day of School
- June 8: First Day of Summer School!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Spuds for Habitat!

You guys are amazing! With the Legacy's dollar for dollar match, you made approximately $940 to donate to Habitat for Humanity! This is a record high! Along with raising our admission price $.75, we also had a fabulous turn out for the event! The people who attended said your behavior and restaurant skills were impeccible! (For extra credit in theme, tell me what that word means. ; )
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Habitat for Humanity Potato Bar
potato head! The choice is yours!
Eighth Graders Soar on Math State Assessment!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Seventh Graders Succeed on Math Assessment!!!
Homeless Statistics
1) A survey of 30 cities showed that 49% of homeless are African American, 32% of homeless are Caucasian, 12% are Hispanic, 4% are Indian, and 3% are Asian
Source: usconference of mayors, 1998
2) Homeless people are made up of the following: 44% single men, 13% single women, 36% families with children, 7% minors/ kids alone
Source: Koegel, Paul, The Causes of Homelessness
3) Where homeless people sleep: 59.2% vehicles, 24.6% Makeshift housing (tents, boxes, caves, box cars)
Source: Llink et al.1995
4) Where do homeless live: 35% shelters, 34% live with family/friends, 23% live in motels or other locations, rest live in makeshift (tents, boxes, under bridges) or vehicles
Source: Department of Education, 2000
5) Causes of homelessness: 46% domestic violence, 40% are veterans of war, 20-25% single adults who suffer from mental illness
Source: Koegel, Paul, The Causes of Homelessness
6) Annual Budget of a Family of Four (Income $18,820): 28% housing, 12% utilities, 26% transportation, 26% food, 1% health care (inadequate), 1% childcare (inadequate)
Source: Poverty USA, tolerance.org/teach
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Test Taking Tips from your Teacher
Make up a sheet with all the formulas you need to know and memorize all the formulas on the sheet.
When you get your exam, write down all the key formulas on the margin of your paper so if you forget them when you're in the middle of the test you can look back at the formula.
Read the directions carefully and don't forget to answer all parts of the question.
Make estimates for your answers... i.e. if you are asked to answer 48 x 12 = ?, you could expect a number around 500, but if you end up with an answer around 5000, you'll know you did something wrong.
When figuring an algebraic expression, do one step at a time and bring the rest of the problem down.
Check over your test after you are done with it. If you have time redo the problem on a separate piece of paper and see if you come up with the same answer the second time around. Look for careless mistakes such as making sure the decimal is in the right place, that you read the directions correctly, that you copied the numbers correctly, that you put a negative sign if it is needed, that your arithmetic is correct and so on.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Last Quarter!
1. Stay organized. Place every paper in your binder where it should be the minute it gets in your hands. If you don't, there's a high probability (you should know what that means.) that you will lose it.
2. Manage your time well! Have a certain time of day, every day that you do schoolwork outside of class. If you have taken notes, review your notes within a 24 hour period. You'll be surprised how much that helps when it comes to test time.
3. Keep focused. Leave all the drama with your momma and come to school with your mind on school. It's easy once you practice.
4. Have a positive attitude. "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...." Never say "can't". It's not allowed. You can do whatever you think you can do. Believe it.
Habitat for Humanity Potato Bar
Summer School
Each week, students will submit a recipe from the country we are visiting. Ms. Rich and Ms. Terri will select two to three recipes. On Wednesdays, we will shop for groceries and on Thursdays we will cook and eat. These are usually complete, nutritional meals with dessert!!
On two of the Wednesdays (one in June and one in July), we will be packing food boxes at First United Methodist Church for the Commodity Food Supplementary Program. This program provides boxes of food each month for the poor and elderly who qualify based on applications. This is a government program and students have an opportunity to serve their community in a very big way! After we work, we will go to the gym at FUMC and play dodgeball or basketball.
This is a program of attraction and an enrichment program. Students who come will want to keep coming back for more and will be more prepared for the upcoming school year! See you there, or......be square! ;)