What would you do to help the homeless?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Five Years

If I were five years older, I would be fifty-seven! Yikes! Why does that sound so old? Because it's close to sixty? Oh my! Hopefully life will be better in five years. Most importantly, I want to still have everyone I love in my life...Mom, Walaby & Aesop (canines), Wade (brother), Steve (boyfriend), Terri, former students, etc.. Also, I want to have retired and hopefully "double dipped" by continuing my teaching career but with more money. Come to think of it, maybe fifty-seven won't be so bad! ha! As I've become older, life becomes a little sweeter. It's a little bit strange. You don't worry as much. The old adage, "don't sweat the small stuff and it's all small stuff" is so true! I hope all of you learn that someday. Getting older is better than the alternative, dying young. Sorry, I didn't make that up either; I've heard it somewhere! (Notice the I;I compound sentence!) Have a good day; we're going to do something different here in a few. ;)


  1. SPELLING BEE You are not old you are a great

  2. Its a good thing that you said that you put I;I compound sentences in () because I would have never noticed.

  3. You seem like an awesome teacher and I think the kids would really miss you! If I was 5 years older I would be 55 years old! I will still be working and playing with my granddaughter who is two years old right now and she keeps you very busy.

  4. haha being old isnt that bad my mom is 50 yearsold now :).

  5. I was scared when the tornado hit
